Senin, 14 September 2015

Taxi driver named Tarnedi forced his passanger to speak English

Spirit of study belongs to everybody. Like an express taxi driver named tarnedi. Even though he is now 54 years old, he always try to be perfect in english. He forced his passenger to talk to him using English. 

"I have been working for this job for almost 20 years, and start practicing english just about 2 years. I want to speak english fluently so that i can improve my ability as good as foreigners," said him when called by phone.
He never graduated from elementary school and was illiterate. But strong will made him now fluent in English, though sometimes makes mistake when using grammar.

"I have had so many experiences in the past 2 years. But what most important is I can get free knowledge,"said the man from Indramayu.

In fact, as video in social media, Tarnedi shows us how introduce himself in English while singing with strong Sundanese dialect.

"My name is Tarnedi. I live in Bekasi. My occupation taxi driver. I want to be smarter," kata dia.

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