Senin, 14 September 2015

Taxi driver named Tarnedi forced his passanger to speak English

Spirit of study belongs to everybody. Like an express taxi driver named tarnedi. Even though he is now 54 years old, he always try to be perfect in english. He forced his passenger to talk to him using English. 

"I have been working for this job for almost 20 years, and start practicing english just about 2 years. I want to speak english fluently so that i can improve my ability as good as foreigners," said him when called by phone.
He never graduated from elementary school and was illiterate. But strong will made him now fluent in English, though sometimes makes mistake when using grammar.

"I have had so many experiences in the past 2 years. But what most important is I can get free knowledge,"said the man from Indramayu.

In fact, as video in social media, Tarnedi shows us how introduce himself in English while singing with strong Sundanese dialect.

"My name is Tarnedi. I live in Bekasi. My occupation taxi driver. I want to be smarter," kata dia.

Kamis, 10 September 2015

Papua tailings causing miscarriage and suffering

Tailings, well known as mining disposal makes untold suffering in papua, especially for Kamoro tribe. Mining disposal does not only change social culture in Papua but also has impact on their health.

"Mangroves were destroyed. We are forced to eat from destructive and polluted biota. Fishes transformed into abnormal shape, they got a big head but their body still small, and we know those fishes are poisonous," told John Nakiaya from Institute for Indigenous People of Kamoro at Kontras office.
"Pregnant women still drink this water. It caused them to lose their child or their children being disable. We will draft this problem soon," he added.

Later, tailing becomes piled up. People are forced to move out from their homes. In fact, as fisherman they also find a difficulty to get fish due to silty coast.

"Even whales can go near to the village river  whereas this river is a route of public transportation," he continued.

Now Kamoro people decided to refuse smelter project which can worsen their environment.
But these protests sometimes make them suffer "Our car was pelted with stones and our home was burnt,"

They only hope that government can stop this project which can harm their life and health.


Rabu, 09 September 2015

The story of black slave is called 'mother' by Muhammad

Muhammad had never discriminated people around him, though they were black-skin slaves. There are so many stories that show Muhammad really respected his slaves. One of them was Ummu Aiman.

"Ummu Aiman is the mother after my mother" said Mohammad as quoted in 'Mohammad:Chamber of Love'.

Ummu Aiman was a orderly when Aminah died. She took care of Muhammad when he lived with Abdul Muthalib. Even though she was a black slave, Muhammad saw her as family and even called her 'mother'. He always gave her a deeply honor,

Rasulullah and Ummu Aiman was being closer. Hence, the other people tried to get closer to Ummu Aiman in order to get blessing. But Aisha, one of Muhammad's wives, didnt know that both of them were close. She had ever spoke harshly to Ummu Aiman.

It's all happened when Ummu Aiman talked to Mohammad casually, even though she was a slave. She said, "Give me some water."

At that time, Aisha was shocked and got angry. "Why did you talk to him like that?" asked her. Ummu Aiman answered, "I've spent more time with him rather than you."

Muhammad stood immediately and gave her the water, he said "she is right."

Senin, 07 September 2015

Story behind the battle of Badr and Abu Jahal’s Death

Since 17th Ramadan 8 H, The muslims started to spy on Quraisy to prepare for war and reclaim Mecca. Mohammad brought hundreds of soldiers and dozens of horses, but he didn’t want to be hasty to attack Quraisy. As the highest commander, he asked his troops to stay on the guard.

When both armies were getting closer, thousands of angels was ready to face the enemy. “O Abu Bakar! Glad tidings are there for you. Allah’s victory has approached. By Allah I can see Jibril on his mare in the thick of a sandstorm,” said Mohammad as quoted in the book of The Great Story of Mohammad.
The angles blew dust on Quraisy and they become a mess. Moreover, the angels invisibly cut Quraisy’s  hands and fingers.

Two teenagers showed up in the war. They were Muawwadz and Muadz. Who almost killed Abu Jahal. Both of them had never actually met Abu Jahal before, but they hated him because they heard many times that Abu Jahal always hurted Mohammad

“Both of them stood in front of Abu Jahal. One of them slashed Abu Jahal head while the other stabled his sword to Abu Jahal’s stomach,”.

But at the time Abu Jahal was still alive, then Abdullah ibn Mas’ud who then conformed his death by beheading him. After knew that Mohammad said, “ This is Pharaoh of the muslims,”

After the battle, on 20 Ramadan, Mohammad gave order to destroy the idols and the Bilal did azan. Mecca became holy city again. 

Ilustasi perang

Since he was naked after give away his only clothes, Mohammad felt ashamed to walk out

Prophet Mohammad spent his life in modesty. He always tried to be one who is giving rather than taking from others. The poor could easily asked Mohammad for alms, though they know Mohammad was not rich man.

One day, a child came to Mohammad and said that his mother had him to ask for alms.
“But I don’t have anything to give” said Mohammad as quoted in Mohammad: Chamber of love book

But that child kept forcing him and said, “But my mom said that you can give me your clothes?” Mohammad put off his clothes instantly and gave it to child.

Since he didn’t have any clothes on, Mohammad felt ashamed to walk out naked. The news had spread immediately, and made people really confused and worried.

Omar went to his house and asked him, “Did Allah command you for doing these? “

Then comes an ayah to prophet Mohammad “And let not thy hand be tied (like a miser) to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost read (like a spendthrift), so that thou become blameworthy and in severe poverty (surah al Isra 29) .

This kind of generosity was also followed by his wives. One of them named Aisha had once gave someone alms until she had nothing remains to break her fast.

Narrated by Al-Baihaqi, she said “Rasulullah never ate his fill for three days in a row. We could, if he wants, provide everything but he would prefer to give it to others firs than for himself,”

Fallin in love with prophet Mohammad, American converted to Islam

Everybody get God’s guidance to know Islam in different ways. An American named Gary Matthew Clement (46), father of a son, had declared to be a moslem in 2011. Unlike another foreigner who converted because of marriage. Clement converted to Islam due to his curiosity about Islam.

“I knew Islam for the first time from my Facebook friend based in London. He is a moslem. I Asked him a lot about Islam that I never known before. I also read some books, of course, but just few information there. Those books contain some materials like moslem must pray 5 times a day and pray only to one god,” said Gary.

His curiosity was getting bigger when his friend told him about prophet Mohammad. Gary said that he was amazed when he found that Mohammad was given Koran despite he is illiterate.

“Such a great story and how come Mohammad told people about Islam passively,” he added.
Thus, Gary started to look for everything about the prophet that such stories are really hard to find, especially in USA. At the time, his friend was really helpful by sending him book of Mohammad. Day by day Gary read that book that has 800 pages. More and more he read, his curiosity has become bigger and bigger.

“I I have read book that has 800 pages for a month. It was difficult for me when reading Arabian. So I need a quite long time to read. Every night I read that book until I fallen sleep,”.

Then Gary started to know Koran. Just like before, Gary found it is hard to find well and depth translated Koran. Finally he found the Koran that created by Abdullah Yusuf Ali.

“When I found the Koran, I started from Christian chapter. I was amazed because everything explained directly and easily. Soon after that I decide to convert to Islam in July 2011,”

“I did my sahadah in front of people who don’t know why I become a moslem in Atlanta. And people said welcome brother,” said Gary, impressed by the act.

Gary chose Islam with firm believe. He believes that sahadah has changed him completely. To trust that god is only one and prophet Mohammad is the messenger.

“Sahada is about your faith that Mohammad is a prophet and believing one god. I believe that Islam not only a religion but the way of life,” he added.
Gary and his wife