Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Touching story : American Learns Salat

Eveyone converted to Islam will eventually need to learn salat. Sometimes they will find unforgettable experiences during the process. That also what happened to Gary Matthew from USA. He told that he had memorable experiences when he was doing salat for the first time.

Gary and his wife

Gary did first salat at a mosque in Georgia. He also has knew there is moslem community that comes from Africa. At first, they stared Gary unfriendly and distrustful at first because Gary did not looks like a moslem. He didnt wear any rimless cap or grew his beard.

"People stared me deeply. My mentor said was ok. Maybe they tought that I came from government to investigate them."

In mosque, Gary was trying to perform Zuhur pray. "I knew they're still staring at me. But when I looked back to them, they pretended to not see me. Once again my mentor said it is ok. Just do what do you want to do,"

When he started to pray,  everybody gave attention to Gary, when he was doing salat. After that, all become so touching.

"I remembered all. After salat, they hailed me while saying welcome brother. I can't believe that and almost cried."

Finally, they have good relationship. They call Gary as undercover brother because he doesn't look like Moslem.

"They never ask me to grow my beard or change my name. Becoming of moslem, it doesn't change you but change something in your heart"

Gary said " With this look, I can talk jewish, christian easily. They dont believe in me that I am a Moslem"

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